about me

Honestly . . . I hate 'About Me' pages.  I hate talking about myself, especially in a public forum.  (Okay, this is where you think to yourself: You know this is a blog, eh, Caitlin?  I know, I know.)  So you wanna know about me?  Well . . . here's what I'll tell ya - I'll tell you what I'm NOT.
  1. I'm NOT perfect, no matter how hard I try.  It's a battle I'll never win.  Though, I have to admit, my OCD-ness is probably good for business.  
  2. I have a horribly untidy house (despite the OCD, lol).  Everyone seems to think it's neat and clean. That's only because I run around like a mad woman before people come over.  Then I don't let them upstairs.  If you show up unannounced, you're entering at your own risk.
  3. My kids are 'those kids' in the grocery store.  Yup.  I swore in my early twenties, that the kids I would one day have, would NOT be those kids.  Fail.  Whoops.  Good thing they're cute.
  4. I'm NOT a superwife, I'm NOT a supermom, and as much as I'd love to be, I'm NOT superwoman either.  I read blogs, pour over Pinterest, and surf facebook pages of other awe-inspiring women and realize just how much I'm failing in that department too.
So, I say all that to say, I'm just an ordinary, everyday, woman. And I am certainly NOT an iconic mom/wife/businesswoman who seems to have all their ducks in a perfect little row and then some.  That's great for those who do, and by no means do I hold that against them.  Good for them - really!  That's just not me.  And I'm okay with that.  I'll just continue to be inspired by these amazing women, because most days I could use a good dose of inspiration!

If any of this sounds at all familiar, sit down, put your feet up, and enjoy a virtual cup of coffee with me! You're in good company.  

~ Caitlin

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